Sunday, April 25, 2010

I want to print labels on Microsoft. How do I get the right template?

I'd like to print some labels using Microsoft Word. I'll be using a sheet of lables. How should I space everything? Is there a mold or template to follow so that my information is on the labels? Thanks, help would be greatly appreciated =)

I want to print labels on Microsoft. How do I get the right template?windows media has templates. You wouldn't use word, but more then likely the lables you print will be in an avery compatible format. They have templates for lables on their site.

I want to print labels on Microsoft. How do I get the right template?microsoft exchange internet explorer

Word processing programs like MS Word or Word Perfect usually have the templates built in.

In MS Word, you look under "mailings" then "envelopes and labels" (I think that's how it goes)
Here you go. Click Tools%26gt;Envelopes and Labels%26gt;Options. Find the Label# you want from the the box of labels you purchased. Click select. Type your info and hit print.

Hope this helps.
In Microsoft Word

Open a blank page

Click -tools tab

Click - letters %26amp; mailings

Click - envelopes/labels

Click - the label tab

Click - options - highlight the product # in box on left or scroll down the list until you reach the same size label you will be using.

Click - OK - You will go back now to the tab box you started at but it will now list the label size you chose

Click - new document (located on the right in that tab box)

You should now be back at what looks like a blank sheet of paper, but if you go up to the top and

Click - the table tab

Click - show gridlines ( the gridlines will not show when you print)

You should be ready to fill in the lables now. Good Luck

Microsoft 2003. How do I set up a template that pops the cursor to the next location.?

Okay I have documents that typically looks like this:

blah blah blah blah

blah: ?

blah: ?

blah: ?

Approved by: blah

All the blahs stay the same. I need to just change the ?s with data. I would prefer those spots to stay empty. So I was going to set up a template (.dot) ... And I was wondering how I get the cursor to automatically pop up where the next question mark is so I can enter in the new data.

I HAVE been just having this as a .doc and have been just deleting and re entering the numbers. I dont want to do this anymore. So if thats what you are suggesting - thanks for the information that I already know. I would like to expand my Microsoft abilities though!

I KNOW it can be done. I've been messing with field codes and stuff but Im just not getting it right. All I can do is have the correct date to be there automatically when I open up the template.

Also, when I reopen the document and I start entering data, how do I get the cursor to the next location?

Microsoft 2003. How do I set up a template that pops the cursor to the next location.?microsoft vista

Use the Forms feature to insert form fields. You can open the Forms toolbar to access the tools. Also, try using the Help feature for the details...

A question about templates?

I'm trying to download templates to use with Microsoft Works 8.Can anybody recommend a good site.Microsoft works 8,please.

A question about templates?ds browser

go into and search for templates or you can go into the microsoft sight direct and go to downloads and search for works downloads

A question about templates?microsoft templates internet explorer

The help section should have a place to search for templates.

Where to find Newsletter templates?

Does anyone know any websites where I can download newsletter templates other than the Microsoft website?

Where to find Newsletter templates?windows media center


You can download free newsletter templates at...

Warm Regards,

Nishit patel.

Microsoft Word & Star Office?

Can you use templates (*.dot files) from Microsoft Word and load it in StarOffice. I tried but nothing came up

Microsoft Word %26amp; Star Office?microsoft office 2003

I doubt it, but you might be able to export the template (using the Save As option), in a file type recognised by Star.

How do I clear the template fields in Microsoft Word Resume Wizard?

Basically, I used the resume template in Word 2000, and now need to remove the information in each field. Whenever I use the resume wizard, the information has been retained. Surely there is a way to remove all the information in each field so that I can use the resume wizard over fresh, where the fields arent automatically filled-in? Thanks.

How do I clear the template fields in Microsoft Word Resume Wizard?microsoft works

If you did corrupt your template:

Clear the fields and save as a template.


Just copy the template from the MS Word Cd. Explore the Cd to find the folder it's stored in.

How do I clear the template fields in Microsoft Word Resume Wizard?windows mobile internet explorer

If you used the Wizard to create a resume, surely you saved it to a file. If so, clicking File,New should bring up a box with a tab for the resume template - empty.

If, however, when you brought up the Wizard you put a checkmark in create new "template" instead of "document," you messed up the template.

In either case, creating a template on your own isn't that difficult. Have a little more faith in yourself. Check out a couple of these.;...

Is there an easy way to make a calendar in microsoft word?

I thought there was a template somewhere in microsoft word to make a calandar.... unless maybe im thinking of MS publisher... any easy way to insert or create one or do i just need to make a crappy looking one with tables?

Is there an easy way to make a calendar in microsoft word?replacement windows

Check out the microsoft templates page. They have a bunch of templates for all of its MS Office programs

Is there an easy way to make a calendar in microsoft word?windows mail internet explorer

there is good microsoft calender template, for 2007, i have it.
You can try making a table.
On the File menu, click New.

In the New Document task pane (task pane: A window within an Office application that provides commonly used commands. Its location and small size allow you to use these commands while still working on your files.), under Templates, click On my computer.

Click the Other Documents tab.

Double-click Calendar Wizard.

If you do not see this wizard (wizard: A feature that asks questions and then creates an item, such as a form or Web page, according to your answers.) in the Templates dialog box, you might need to install it.

Follow the steps in the wizard
All of the calendars that I've seen in MS word have been done with tables. There should be a template for it, though, depending on your version of Office.

You might be able to find a more specifc answer on Try going to and type "calendar template [your word version]".

Here's the search results for Word 2003:
Listen to Fremen, that's the same info I was going to give you.

I have a question for the microsoft owners?

What's that system on the computer called? It's kind of like Microsoft word or Microsoft Excel, but it has templates that they let you use to create cards, letters, resumes, etc.

I have a question for the microsoft owners?windows media player 10

Microsoft Publisher

I have a question for the microsoft owners?microsoft net internet explorer

hey need to specifiy the question more.
I'm not a microsoft owner, but i believe it's called

PMaster (Print Master)

Anyone know where i can freely download a microsoft acces quiz or test template ?

i need to make a quiz application..

we just answer the quiz, and then, it calculating it'self the score...

my friend suggest me to use microsoft access... but, i don't know the way.....

so, anyone know where i can download the database ?

or, are there any software that can make that kind of quiz or test ?

can we use microsoft power point to make a self calculating score (quiz) ?

told me where i can get it !!!

Anyone know where i can freely download a microsoft acces quiz or test template ?microsoft live


I suggest you try this links :


Were can i find a free microsoft excel business proposal template?

Looking for a template to help me prepare a proposal to draw investors. Wanting to build a new sub-division in TN.

Were can i find a free microsoft excel business proposal template?windows server 2003

Were can i find a free microsoft excel business proposal template?windows xp service internet explorer

try you can usually find templates/software demos

MICROSOFT WORD HELP now????????????????????/?

i know how to make a resume on microsoft word but i would like the templates. where do i find templates. the vista desgin of microsoft word is so ***** garbage. also the ruler which indicates the length of the page has changed, how do i restore default settings.

MICROSOFT WORD HELP now????????????????????/?microsoft exchange

The resume templates can be found by going to File - New. That will open a "New Document" window (look on the right-hand side of your screen). It looks sort of like a "Help" window. There you can choose the resume template you want. As far as what happened to your ruler, go to View and see which layout you're in. I believe only the Web Layout View has the ruler anyway. But if you're needing to change your bottom margin, go to File - Page Setup. You can change your margins there.

Can you save a header in microsoft word as a template for reuse time and again?

I have a picture and some text that i want to add as a header but not all the time, at the moment i have to entry the picture then the text, can i save it as one image and then paste as a header?

Can you save a header in microsoft word as a template for reuse time and again?windows xp pro

Actually, I do this fairly regularly - I now use Office 2003, but I've been doing it for ages. (Ken G is correct)

To do this, open a blank document

Set this document up as you want it to look

Select File, Save As...

At this bottom of this box (just below where you give the file a name) you must change the type to "Document Template" (.dot) file and choose save.

Then to use this template, click File, New (not the icon on the toolbar for a new document) and you should see a pane on the right side of the screen where you can choose a template. (this is 2003 - I think in older versions it may give something slightly different, but the process is pretty much the same).

Can you save a header in microsoft word as a template for reuse time and again?microsoft net framework internet explorer

You can make any formatting you want to as a template. Just set it up the way you want it and save as a template.
no u cnt i hve tried it b4, it wud b useful but it dnt wrk.

i hve snt a letter 2 microsoft askin dem to include it onto there next edition and dey say that they are working towards it.
You could save it as a document. Every time you want to use it again, go in and edit the document as you need and save it under a separate name.
Firebrandy is right.

What Adobe software is like Microsoft Publisher ???

I need an Adobe software that has all the templates, designs for brochures, menus, business cards, etc.

I already use Microsoft Publisher to get the design templates of the menus im making, but i cant make them into PDF files as id like to .

What adobe software can give you all the templates for restaurant menus, brochures , etc?

What Adobe software is like Microsoft Publisher ???nintendo ds browser

Professional software does not come w/ templates - just certain tool presets and filters. You MIGHT be able to find some Quark or InDesign templates for sale online though. But honestly, if this is for a business, wouldn't you prefer the menu and brochure reflected your company's branding...look and feel? A template isn't very original, now is it? Photoshop, Illustrator, Quark, InDesign...are all used by professional designers who have a good grasp of graphic design, and have been trained to visually communicate ideas. They know how to properly work with Fonts/Typography, Graphics, Layout, Composition...etc. These programs are a clean empty canvas waiting to be filled up.

Publisher shouldn't be used for anything you want to get printed you can see it isn't really very compatible or useful unless you are printing at home.

Would you ever consider hiring a designer to take a look at your already created menu design, and they can recreate it (though they will not copy your template, but could come up w/ a similar look/concept). They already know how to work w/ the software - it takes some time to really know and understand these programs. Do you know how to setup the files for print? Do you know how to work with High resolution images, and what format the printer needs them in? Have you any experience working with a printer? These are all questions to ask yourself and decide if it is really worth trying to be a graphic designer or not. Could your time be better spent?

I have worked w/ many people who have their designs in publisher, only to need me to redo it. So please keep that in mind. If your on a tight budget, you could pay a local talented design student! Just some ideas for you.

I hope I've been of some help to you! Best of Luck!

What Adobe software is like Microsoft Publisher ???windows 98 internet explorer

You should be able to make a pdf if you have Adobe Acrobat/Distiller installed. And if you don't, it would be far less expensive to get it than to purchase InDesign (which doesn't come with templates like you are looking for -- it's professional software -- professionals design their own stuff).

To create a pdf from Publisher go to the "print" dialog box and select the pdf driver and check the "print to file" box. Then, under "properties", select the "Adobe pdf settings" tab and make sure that "Do not send fonts to Distiller" is deselected. Then click ok. This will generate a new file. Then open Distiller and open the new file, then it will generate your pdf.

I think I covered it all... I don't have Publisher here at home, so I couldn't double-check the steps. Email me if you need more information and I can check it tomorrow at the office.

Free Expression Web Templates?

Does anyone know a link to free website templates that can be used in Microsoft Expression Web?

(Apart from this one:


Free Expression Web Templates?windows xp professional provides free web site design help , professional web design, web design company, custom website design, web design and development.

Microsoft Word Error about global template?

Keep getting this error when I quit word: "word cannot save changes to the global template because it was opened with read-only access."

What does that mean? How can I get rid of it? I'm using a Mac if that matters.

Microsoft Word Error about global template?windows mobile

Hi there, I had exactly the same problem, please try the following, it worked for me.

Click Start, Run, type Application Data\Microsoft\Templates and click OK to open the Templates folder, then delete

Regards, Ivor.

Microsoft Word Error about global template? internet explorerI tried that and I got; "Cannot delete Normal; Used by another peron or program." Report It

I do hope somebody answers this. I've had this myself (but I don't now). I searched and searched but I can't find any answer or explanation, and I can't reproduce it. Good luck!

Templates for flyers?

So i know microsoft online has a GREAT variety of templates. But they require certain programs. Like most of them you have to have word 2007, but i have word 2003. i want to make flyers for birthday, babyshowers, barbque, graduation etc. HELP. need to be free.

Templates for flyers?windows mail

You get the best templates from Microsoft's website and downloading them into as MS Office 2007 application. MS Publisher 2007 has a wide range of templates that are predesigned and ready to use. There's no hassle. But since you insist that you prefer MS Office 2003 applications, may I suggest that you install MS Publisher 2003 which should have the necessary templates for your flyers.

Actually, MS Office 2007 is better is comes with complete with a whole varity of templates and you can't decide where to start from. If you want to make things easy for yourself then may I suggest that you upgrade to MS Office 2007. I have MS Publisher 2007 at the moment and it came with a lot of predesigned templates form brochures to flyers. It's so easy to load and set up plus, all you need is to fill in the blanks.

How do i find a resume template on the new microsoft word??


How do i find a resume template on the new microsoft word??microsoft zune

go to type in resume templates and a bunch will pop up...its all online...or there are some standard in you actuall ms 2007 and you just type in resume templates in the search box

Are there any websites that have free DVD templates for Office Publisher.?

I am doing a rather complicated DVD project and need to find a website that has free template for those little booklates that are inside dvd cases as well as templates for the front and back cover. I have checked the Microsoft Office website and they only have templates for the actual DVD and jewels cases... which are not what I need.

Are there any websites that have free DVD templates for Office Publisher.?microsoft net

Try these:,23903...

Good luck!

If all else fails you could get the Avery cover paper and software at any Walmart type store for pretty cheap. I use it to make DVD booklet covers and it works great!

Creating a variable date on a DOT file in Microsoft Word 2000?

I want to make a DOT file in Microsoft Word 2000 of a template with a standard header. This header has to include the date, but if I write today's date, it will say that every day. How can I make it so that the date will change? Example: Today is February 3, 2008...if I type that in, on September 27, 2008, if I were to use the template, it would still say February 3, 2008. I would want it to say September 27, 2008. Is this possible? If not, is there another way around it?

Creating a variable date on a DOT file in Microsoft Word 2000?windows xp sp2

This should work even if the file gets copied to another machine and gets a new "creation" date: (works for Word XP (2002))

1. Click the View-%26gt;Headers and Footers menu item.

2. Position the cursor in the header where you want the date.

3. Click the Insert-%26gt;Field menu item and select Date from the list box.

4. Select the format you want to use.

5. Click OK.

Now to make the date unchangeable.

6. Double click in the date to select the field.

7. Press CTRL-SHIFT-F9. This changes the field to regular text.

Hope that helps.

Creating a variable date on a DOT file in Microsoft Word 2000?microsoft sql server internet explorer

Use a CREATEDATE field, which inserts the date and time that a document was first saved with its current name, as recorded on the Statistics tab in the Properties dialog box (File menu). In Word, open the header and click on Insert | Field | Categories: All | Field names: Createdate | Date formats: %26lt;choose one%26gt; | OK.



Microsoft MVP 2005-2008

Why does my HTML template work great in Frontpage and Microsoft IE - but does not line up in Firefox

While I use Frontpage and Microsoft IE - My page looks great, when I look at it in Firefox however its not lined up right. and its looks really bad

Why does my HTML template work great in Frontpage and Microsoft IE - but does not line up in Firefox?microsoft internet explorer

You know that IE and FrontPage both are the products of Microsoft. So, it鈥檚 obvious that IE is compatible with FrontPage.

Why does my HTML template work great in Frontpage and Microsoft IE - but does not line up in Firefox?microsoft downloads internet explorer

Firefox works differently than IE, and if you are using an old frontpage, thats probably why,

FrontPage was probably making stuff ONLY for ie if it is an old version because FireFox probably wasn't out then.
The key to making your pages work properly in all browsers from IE, to Firefox, to Opera and Konquerer (sp) is to use pure HTML and stick to the specs with style sheets, colors, etc.

In the case of FrontPage it generates a lot of junk in the pages that is interpreted fine in the MS world but occasionally gives other browsers problems. There are always was to work around it.

I use FrontPage almost exclusively now, but I'm primarily doing static pages etc.
Unfortunately because Microsoft would like to have world domination and everyone using ONLY their products you will find that Frontpage will only make good web pages for IE.

If you want to have complete functionality with Firefox, Dreamweaver is the better page designer

How do i make cards or a brochure using microsoft word?

I want to make a brochure and a card using microsoft word. I know they've got templates or something for this right? The kind of card i want to make is the kind you fold the paper in fours to make a little card.

How do i make cards or a brochure using microsoft word?windows xp service

How do i make cards or a brochure using microsoft word?microsoft xp internet explorer

look and see if you computer has Microsoft publisher. It is so much better for this.
Go to File--New, Select templates on my computer.

Brochures are under the Publications tab.

I don't think there is a four-fold card on the regular templates, but you can probably find one through the online templates (also under New).
Have you ever used MS Publisher? It makes a much better publication than Word. I use it to make brochures, flyers, posters..... Do you have Publisher?







What is the most effective way to construct a resume, using microsoft word or accessing a template?

Want to construct a resume but can't access the resume template to assist in constructing resume, please give some direction on this matter.

What is the most effective way to construct a resume, using microsoft word or accessing a template?windows vista ultimate

I prefer online templates (just type online CV template) and you'll get lots of examples.

What is the most effective way to construct a resume, using microsoft word or accessing a template?default browser internet explorer

Microsoft's templates look tacky. What I would do, and assuming you are somewhat microsoft word savy, google profesional resume templates. Find the one you like. Then open up word, and make a table with the respective columns and rows. The trick is to make the table 'transparent' (just for the printer), however, you will still be able to see the margins, spacing, fields, etc. Which will allow you to make a professional looking resume. Good luck~

Vistaprint Templates?

I'm trying to get a tri-fold brochure uploaded to Vistaprint and cannot get the dimensions to match. They have templates for Adobe products but I'm using Microsoft Word for this ... how do I get the dimensions correct? Is there any way to use the Photoshop/Illustrator/Acrobat templates in Word?

Alternatively, is it possible to output the contents of the Word file into one of those Adobe products?

Edit Web Templates?

I have downloaded a web template (A HTML template)

However, when I tried to edit that with Microsoft Publisher, I can't do so. When I opened the template using Publisher, whole template was scambled!!!

Can you help me to edit my Template

Do you know any specific soft that desinged to edit templates (Beside publisher)

Edit Web Templates?windows 98

Your same question has been answered many times here:;...


Edit Web Templates?microsoft support internet explorer

forget what you are using. here is a good, free and easy to use wysiwyg web editor.

Is it legal and okay to make a template for an auction listing from my "Microsoft Works Word Pe

I would like to fix up some templates for my auction listings on, because, the tools they give you for the cheapest plan does not give you all the options you get on eBay to make templates and I am afraid mine will go unnoticed if I do not come up with something, SO . . . . I made one on my Word Perfect software that came with my PC. I've read their agreement and it is'nt clear enough for ME, so I was wondering if anyone else is doing this or knows of another solution?

Thanks in advance guys and gals!!

Lisa Carol signing out!

Is it legal and okay to make a template for an auction listing from my "Microsoft Works Word Perfect" program?windows xp home

Yes it is perfectly legal and okay for you to use templates you have made on it.

Is it legal and okay to make a template for an auction listing from my "Microsoft Works Word Perfect" program?microsoft visual studio internet explorer

I doubt the auction site cares, and if you couldn't use templates from Microsoft Works Word (not Word Perfect, by the way -- that's a different product from a different company) commercially, they wouldn't have much use.

No problem that I can see.

How do I find a document template on the new Office standard 2007 Microsoft word?

I have been looking through it, and am having a hard time even finding the help button. I know how to do it on the other Microsoft Office editions...but I'm lost on this one.



How do I find a document template on the new Office standard 2007 Microsoft word?

Go To This Website And You Can Download The Template From Microsoft.

Make Sure You Have Genuine Microsoft Cuz They validate Your Computer To Make Sure

If Yahoo accepts Microsoft's offer to buy it, will you close your Yahoo account?

Microsoft Offers $44.6B for Yahoo

If Yahoo accepts Microsoft's offer to buy it, will you close your Yahoo account?microsoft maps

no as see no reason why i should

If Yahoo accepts Microsoft's offer to buy it, will you close your Yahoo account?windows registry internet explorer

only if micro wants to start doing weird things to it. i just don't know where i would go after that. i've been with yahoo for 15 yrs.
no, it wont reallly have an affect on me.
You probably won't notice...they will keep Yahoo, as the logo.
No way! Let Microsoft spread! They are a good corporation
I think I'll not. Microsoft has a flair for selling below par products like the Internet Explorer.
as long as we don't have to pay, that's fine.
Iam not sure,I don't think I would but it would be very different I mean it would no longer be 'Yahoo' answers it will change to microsoft!they woud probably change a lot of things if they were to 'take over'.
End of the line baby.
I won't close my account... And I doubt Yahoo! users will notice much of a difference. The folks who'll probably suffer or benefit the most will likely be (a) Yahoo! employees and (b) any companies who've got marketing contracts with Yahoo!...

My inner conspiracy theorist can't help but wonder when Microsoft's hunger for power and world domination will be satiated. Microsoft comes off a bit of a monster to me.

Couple the fact that Yahoo! stocks have been on a steady decline with the recent announcement of impending layoffs... The idea that Microsoft won't take no for an answer this time around- makes them look like sharks circling a sinking ship- preying on the new Yahoo! Chairman as if to say they don't think he'll have the backbone say no to Microsoft...

Frankly- as a whole- I can't decide which will be a better route. Forge on without Microsoft or be swallowed up by them...
As I stated in another question, I would closed my Account immediately. Microsoft domination is over.

I think Yahoo should be as bold as Google, and support open source software. Open source has a HUGE community and like every one else in the community aside from me. We all know to use Linux for our OS, Firefox for our browser, and Google for out searches. Do the math!?

Google is a commonwealth, Yahoo is a socialist, and Microsoft is capitalism and a communist.
if anthing microsoft will make yahoo better...i hope this happens.
Maybe. I just hope they do not get rid of yahoo answers.
My email is a paid account that i use for the extra options, I don't want to lose it. The value that yahoo has is its search engine and user base, if Microsoft buys yahoo, hopefully they are smart enough to not get users mad enough to leave.

Whether to sell yahoo is a tough decision, yahoo is still making a profit but looks like the stock value is approaching 2003 levels which is bad. The economy is also not that good so many companies are having problems. It is sad to see the yahoo employees go to work after the announcement of planned reductions, they still seem upbeat though, it will be different now that microsoft made an offer.
yea likurim "End of the line baby."
I will close my Yahoo account which I have had for 10 years and I will not renew my Flickr Pro account.This kind of buy out is exactly why anti-trust laws were created.

“The potential concern would be that Microsoft, if it acquires Yahoo, could do on the Internet what it did in the personal computer world — make technical standards more Microsoft-centric and steer consumers to its products,” said Stephen D. Houck, a lawyer representing the states involved in the consent decree against Microsoft.

based on my expectations that msft will just screw up the already flawed "beta" features of yahoo, a combination of the two would only be worse.

microsoft can't actually invent anything they only copy. who are they going to copy if they buy the source...? this means they will start cutting out things that they can't support like 'answers', omg, email identities, etc.

eventually yahoo will become plain vanilla with advertisements on every square inch of every page. have you ever looked at msn encarta - the online encyclopedia ? i can't find content because the pages are so full of blinking, whirring, popping advertisements.

Is there easy to use resume wizards for Microsoft Word 2007?

I'm used to the old Microsoft Word (I think 2003?) and all the resume templates were so easy and organized. 2007 has all these weird special templates, I just want a basic one that I used from 2003, any help?

Is there easy to use resume wizards for Microsoft Word 2007?windows nt

no sorry

Would Yahoo users be better or worse off if Yahoo accepts Microsoft's offer to buy it?

AP Story: Microsoft Offers $44.6B for Yahoo

Would Yahoo users be better or worse off if Yahoo accepts Microsoft's offer to buy it?microsoft flight simulator

Things like this make me want to go to a place where the internet and computers do not exist.

Would Yahoo users be better or worse off if Yahoo accepts Microsoft's offer to buy it?windows 2000 internet explorer

I had been loyal Yahoo! user, and I loved its services except its messenger which I don't use very frequent. ( Besides, I encountered with many problems after using that )

But this news was like a terrible shock to me. I'm an MSN user at the same time, but I only love its messenger and space, thats all, nothing else I fancy about it.

What will happen when Microsoft buys Yahoo!? I dunno. Things will change for sure.

But I'm not clear about that. Yahoo! would be worser if bought buy Microsoft. Stupid offer.
I find it fascinating that so many folks seem to assume that this is a done-deal already, when it is not. Until the offer is accepted, nothing changes. IF the offer is accepted, we will probably be the LAST to know what the changes will be and whether they will make things better or worse. But since the only thing worse than a mega-corporation is an even BIGGER mega-corporation, I'm not too hopeful, IF this does happen.

I need some help in creating templates for invoices, etc., for my small business.?

I am looking for some web-site help in creating Professional looking templates for my documents. I found some info through, but it isn't saving the document to where I can find it and use it.

Any advice is great! Thanks

I need some help in creating templates for invoices, etc., for my small business.?microsoft sql server

Has some good templates. type "business" and you should find something to work with. Also, save your templates on a Template folder in your desktop. Easier to find.

I need some help in creating templates for invoices, etc., for my small business.?windows themes internet explorer

You should be able to design one on your own using either excel or a word table. Just look at invoices from some of your vendors, find the format you like best, and go with it.

As an accountant, I see many invoices from large corporations to tiny ones and the format is basically the same.

Also, most financial software packages include invoice templates.

You might even check out your library and find a book with basic formats.

I'd be glad to even email you a basic invoice in excel if you'd like and you can edit it to suit your needs. Just let me know.
List all the aspects that you would bill for and then create a document in EXCEL. You can import your logo if you wish and a thousand other things.

You can compute cels to automate your totals as well.

If you are creative, then, create.
Are you sure it's not a permissions issue?

Also, templates in Microsoft Office should not be stored where you can find them. They should be stored where Office knows to look for them.

In Microsoft Word I have a calandar template I use every day. How do I keep it open and ready to use

I usually just minimize it but sometimes I have to close Word and then I have to open Word again and hunt for it and sometimes I haven't saved new entires I've made on it. And everytime I save it there is a new copy saved so now I have about 12 copies of it.

Is there some way I can keep it open and ready (hopefully with all entries automatically saved) to use even if I shut down my computer and turn it back on?

In Microsoft Word I have a calandar template I use every day. How do I keep it open and ready to use?microsoft downloads

You can add the a short cut to the file in your start up folder. On XP, click start, all programs, then the start up folder. This would open the file everytime you log on to windows.

With in Word you can set it to autosave every minute.

Open word click on tools, then options. On the save tab, set "Save AutoRecover Info" to 1 minute.

Keep in mind Word is a memory hog and may slow down your computer by keeping it open all the time. You might want to try using an online service such as Yahoo Calendar.

How can i create and apply a template designed by myself in Microsoft Office Power Point 2003?

Design your template, then when you click on File, Save As - change the drop down (at the bottom of the save dialog) to Template.

Now, when you create a new PowerPoint presentation, your template will be on the list of templates.

How can i create and apply a template designed by myself in Microsoft Office Power Point 2003?microsoft xp

Here's a step by step how to

Edit Microsoft Publisher links?

I am using Microsoft Publisher. I have been playing with the pre-made templates. I figured out how to change the page names to something different other than "contact us", "services", etc., but I can't figure out how to change the link at the bottom of the page. Is there a way to access the hard coding, or do I need to do something different?

Edit Microsoft Publisher links?windows xp themes

To expand a bit on DianeD's answer as to why Publisher is the wrong program... (sorry if it doesn't answer your question directly)

Publisher is a page layout program (for print) that offers a way to export the files as html. It does a lot of non-standard "tricks" behind the scenes to maintain the look of the page rather than use good web design practice. This is OK I guess, if you are making a web edition of a printed newsletter for example (although I would rather make a PDF), but often makes for a bad web page.

I am webmaster for my club, and have to deal with pages that members make in Publisher. One "trick" that is especially onerous is that Pub likes to take text boxes you have made and convert them to GIFs (a picture of the text). Presumably, it does this to preserve the exact appearance, but you end up with a web page that loads really slow, text that is not searchable or resizable, and a lot of links that don't work.

There is also a ton of junk code in Pub's html output. This contributes to the slow loading of the pages, and confuses a lot of browsers.

If you are just starting with web design, you will not learn good practices when the program makes all the decisions for you, and you will eventually become frustrated with the result.

You will be better served by using a program specifically made for web design.




Edit Microsoft Publisher links?download windows media player internet explorer

If you're creating a website, then you've chosen the wrong program to do it in.

However, to answer your question, just highlight the text at the bottom, or retype what you want to use as the link text, then go to the menu at the top and choose INSERT %26gt;%26gt; HYPERLINK and then type in the that you want it to be linked to.

Hope this answers your question.


Question about Microsoft Word (newest edition)?

I'm using the newest edition of microsoft word and created a resume using one of their templates. I need to add my most recent employment. How do I do this? I've tried to figure it out but to no avail. It's not a user friendly program. Can anyone help me?

Question about Microsoft Word (newest edition)?microsoft support

The easiest template to use in Word 2007 is the Chronological Resume. Choose that one. it's simple yet effective. The good thing about these templates is that all you have to do is "tab" through to each section and really don't have to worry about using the mouse that much.

Microsoft office 2003?

i can not found any templates for a resume,or to create a resume with microsoft office 2003 ?!

i don't have microsoft word!!

please help

Microsoft office 2003?microsoft visual studio

well u need word ... then google resume templates ...

Magazine Templates?

I can't seem to find any magazine templates that are of any use to me...

I've tried Microsoft but they don't seem to have what I am looking for... can anyone help?

Magazine Templates?microsoft windows xp

Magazine Templates?ie 7 internet explorer

Do you mean professional templates? / what software are you using? InDesign? Quark? Maybe you need to be more specific...?

OK so probably not 100% what you asked for but found interesting tutorial (with downloadable PDF) via computer arts site...

Let me know if you need anymore help,.



In Works Task launcher I need help deleting some Templates.?

I need someone who is very familiar with Microsoft Works %26amp;

Task Launcher. I have 11 "crdusW95" %26amp; "6 Normal " with the W above in those boxes at the Personal Templates. I have gone to this site ,I clicked on %26amp; it brings me to WORD, then I go to History above the My Documents. I deleted them ,only to find them all, still at the Works under the Personal Templates still there. I think they were greeting cards that I didn't want. I have not been able to succesfully remove those 17 in the Personal Templates at all. Please help! From now on I'll go to Microsoft Picture It! Photo Premium 9, from there I can create %26amp; save %26amp; know hoe to remove or delete my saved files with no troubles at all. I'm very annoyed, because I'm trying to do this on my own ,but need someone who is familiar with working with Works using Personal Templates %26amp; deleting them to. Please clearly answer this so I can understand just what to do? Thank you.

In Works Task launcher I need help deleting some Templates.?windows registry

The location of the templates depends on which version of Works you have and where you installed it, but just maybe....

Do a search for a *.wdb or *.wks file and RIGHTclick one you are pretty sure you didn't create. Click Open containing folder to see the company that file is keeping.

Powerpoint Templates?

Does anyone know where i can find some free holocaust powerpoint templates, or anything that will match the theme of holocaust.. i've searched the microsoft website, they don't have it there.. thanks in advance!

Powerpoint Templates?windows 95

My suggestion would be to find a generic template that you like. Then find 1 or 2 images (jpegs) that represent the Holocaust for you.

Go into the background master and position the image(s)

over your generic background.

Double click on the image(s) and you will see a transparency slider. Reduce their transparency until they blend into the background (they shouldn't stand out too much).

That should make you an original holocaust template.

Hope that helps.

Where can I get really cool Power Point templates that are free to use?

Other than, where can I find and download some cool, different templates? (PC or MAC)

Where can I get really cool Power Point templates that are free to use?windows 2000

Personally I just use the ones that PowerPoint provides. You can add photos from on line and put them in the background if you want something more unique. When I use PowerPoint I just stay really simple and use a plain background and minimal text.

Where can I get really cool Power Point templates that are free to use?internet explorer internet explorer

make your own.. Any picture of graphic from anywhere can be set as a background with text boxes on top of it. be creative this always works good for me

Anyone know where I can get some great FREE business letter templates?

I need to write some business letters for a construction contractor but am stuck. Do you know where I can find some templates for this SPECIFIC line of work? I looked on Microsoft Online already and didn't find any. TIA

Anyone know where I can get some great FREE business letter templates?windows themes

Here are a selection of sample business letters (ie. letter templates) that cover a variety of issues -


Do Administrative Templates (ADM files) need to be added manually to ALL PCs and DCs or just one DC?

Say I use OUTLK11.ADM (from Microsoft's Outlook Resource Kit) to add Outlook settings to Group Policy on a Domain Controller (right click on Administrative Templates and add it there - installing the Office Resource Kit puts the ADM files in the Windows\INF folder).

Do I have to do anything else for those settings to be applied to all desktops and users in the domain?

For example, would I need to save OUTLK11.ADM to the C:\Windows\INF folder of each PC, or run GPEdit.msc on each and import the template there? Do I need to add the template to the other DCs? Would the other DC's apply the policies if the one where I installed it crashed?

All I've been able to find are basic instructions that don't indicate which computer you follow them on.

I'm sorry if these speculations sound totally idiotic, but I don't want to make any assumptions.

Your time and expertise are appreciated.

Do Administrative Templates (ADM files) need to be added manually to ALL PCs and DCs or just one DC?microsoft word 2003

You only need to add Administrative Templates to the computer where you are operating with "AD Users and Computers".

This allows you to change things in group policy which will then filter down to the individual registries on each computer.

How would I make a fax papeer in microsoft office? is there like a template and if so how do I get t

open word

go to:



general templates

and choose which fax template you want

How would I make a fax papeer in microsoft office? is there like a template and if so how do I get to it???microsoft word download

Log on to Word. File, new document and pick fax

Maybe a list to your right to chose from....resume letter fax etc etc

Where can i get free templates to make for cleaning biz?

can anybody tell me where to get free templates for either flyers or brochures on cleaning...any websites.i have microsoft office but can not find one

Where can i get free templates to make for cleaning biz?download windows media player

Below is a link to a website that does have free templates, but do a search for "cleaning" and you will see that there are professional website templates that have what you need. There are tips and support forums to help ya out.

In Microsoft Access 2007, once I download a template, how do I use that template for a new document?

It seems that I must download that template every time that I want start a new document

In Microsoft Access 2007, once I download a template, how do I use that template for a new document?windows vista home premium

Download the template to your desktop. You are probably downloading to your temp file on your computer. It will be there now, but its just easier to download it to your desktop and put it where you will need it after that.

In Microsoft Office Word 2007, how can I create a new default template?

I know how to create new templates and stuff, but I'd like to make one that it uses when i open the application. Thanks in advance!

In Microsoft Office Word 2007, how can I create a new default template?


click on the MS icon up in the left corner.

select new

then select the type of template you would like to create

however---if you want to change the default that comes up follow the steps below:

Any changes that you make to Normal.dotm will be applied to documents that you create in the future.

Click the Microsoft Office Button , and then click Open.

Do one of the following:

In Windows Vista:

Click Templates, and then double-click the Normal.dotm file to open it.

In Microsoft Windows XP or Microsoft Windows Server 2003:

Click Templates next to File name.

If no templates are listed in the Open dialog box, click the arrow next to the Files of type box, and then click All Word Templates.

To be certain that you're working in the default template, check to see that Normal.dotm appears in the Word title bar.

Make any changes that you want to the fonts, margins, spacing, and other settings. You can use the same commands and features that you use to change a document 鈥?but remember that any changes that you make to Normal.dotm will be applied to documents that you create in the future.

When you have finished, click the Microsoft Office Button , and then click Save.

good luck :)

In Microsoft Office Word 2007, how can I create a new default template?uninstall internet explorer internet explorer

Dont know if this helps but it works in 03

Many file types in Microsoft Windows XP and Windows 2000 are registered to be opened by a particular program. For example, Notepad starts when you want to open a text (.txt) file. You can change the program that starts when you open a file of a certain type.

In My Computer or Windows Explorer, click the Tools menu, click Folder Options, and then click the File Types tab.

In the Registered file types list, click the file type you want to open with a different program, and then click Change.

In the Open With dialog box, select the program you want to use, and then click OK.

Click OK in the Folder Options dialog box.

Customize how Word starts

Show All

Hide All

To modify how Microsoft Word starts on a one-time basis, you can add switches to the Microsoft Windows Run command (Start menu). If you plan to use a modified startup method frequently, you can create a shortcut on the Windows desktop.

Add switches to the Run command

On the Windows Start menu, click Run.

Enter the path to Word, such as C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\Winword.exe, or click Browse to locate it.

At the end of the path, type a space, and then type a startup switch.

Create a desktop shortcut

Right-click the Windows desktop, point to New, and then click Shortcut.

In the Type the location of the item box, enter the path to Word, such as C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\Winword.exe, or click Browse to locate it.

At the end of the path, type a space, and then type a startup switch.

Startup switches


Start Word in Office Safe Mode.


Start Word with a new document based on a template other than the Normal template (Normal template: A global template that you can use for any type of document. You can modify this template to change the default document formatting or content.). Example: /

Note If the file name has spaces in it, enclose the complete name in quotation marks 鈥?for example, /t"Elegant"

Security Because templates can store macro viruses, be careful about opening them or creating files based on new templates. Take the following precautions: run up-to-date antivirus software on your computer, set your macro security level to high, clear the Trust all installed add-ins and templates check box, use digital signatures, and maintain a list of trusted sources.


Start Word with a new XML document based on the specified Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformation (XSLT) (XSL Transformation (XSLT): A file that is used to transform XML documents into other types of documents, such as HTML or XML. It is designed for use as part of XSL.). Example: /p:c:\MyTransform.xsl


Start Word and prevent add-ins (add-in: A supplemental program that adds custom commands or custom features to Microsoft Office.) and global templates (including the Normal template) from being loaded automatically. The /a switch also locks the setting files.


Start Word and then load a specific Word add-in. Example: /lSales.dll

Security Use caution when running executable files or code in macros or applications. Executable files or code can be used to carry out actions that might compromise the security of your computer and data.

Start Word without running any AutoExec macros (macro: An action or a set of actions that you can use to automate tasks. Macros are recorded in the Visual Basic for Applications programming language.).


Start Word and then run a specific macro. The /m switch also prevents Word from running any AutoExec macros. Example: /mSalelead

Security Because macros can contain viruses, be careful about running them. Take the following precautions: run up-to-date antivirus software on your computer; set your macro security level to high; clear the Trust all installed add-ins and templates check box; use digital signatures; maintain a list of trusted publishers.


Start a new instance of Word with no document open.

Documents opened in each instance of Word will not appear as choices in the Window menu of other instances.


Start a new instance of Word with a blank document. Documents opened in each instance of Word will not appear as choices in the Window menu of the other instances.

Note To suppress automatic macros without using switches, hold down SHIFT while you start Word.


Open a new, blank document.

Set your margins.

cl Format

cl Font

select the font - style and size you want

on the lower left, click "default"

you will be told this will affect the template

click o.k.

Office 2007 Tutorials 鈥?excellent site
if you alredy know how to create new templates, i won't waste your time on that.

1. create your template with all your fav font, size, para formats etc.

2. "save as" a "normal" (filename), "template" (file type) and save it in the "template" folder you're guided

if prompted that this will make changes to your default normal template, click ok

3. close ms word

next time you use ms word the template you saved will open as the default template.

good luck!

Microsoft works help?

why is it that when i open microsoft works task launcher (8.0) the top part (where you select programs, templates, history...) is green and purple, not blue and orange. is there something wrong and does anyone know how to fix this?

Microsoft works help?ie

Maybe someone set the colour it has now as their preference. Go into control panel and click on display,then appearance and choose the desired colour and save.

Microsoft works help?microsoft internet explorer

reinstall program...this should correct any problems.